I attended the free clinic today and I can’t say thank you enough. I was able to take away tons of important information to help me keep my little one safe in her carseat. It is such an amazing resource that is offered by volunteers and I appreciate the time that was spent with us.
Sharday A. in Shawnigan Lake
Thank you so much for all your hard work today ladies! A big thank you to Jen for being our tester and climbing in the back seat of my small car between the two seats! 😀 I love having the peace of mind knowing we can fit all 5 of us in my Jetta, including an extended RF toddler and an infant in an infant seat. The best part is knowing my 3 year old will be able to continue to RF!!!! One less thing for my pregnant brain to worry about!
Heather H. in Nanaimo
Thank you so much for putting on the car seat clinic today in Nanaimo! I love the peace of mind knowing all my babies are buckled in safely!
Liz R. in Nanaimo
Just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to you ladies for all your help at the car seat clinic in Duncan today. My husband and I learned a lot, mostly that we had not properly installed our infant car seat. I feel so much better knowing my baby will be safe in the car and I can confidently and properly install it. It is amazing that you ladies do this for free and just want to let you know how much we appreciate it!!
Kristie C. in Duncan
I expected you to be wearing hero-style tights!
Ellen M.
Thank you ladies, we so appreciate your help in keeping our kiddos safe!
Kristy W.